Editorial Board
Bob Hudson, Editor-in-Chief—Brigham Young University
Advisory Board
Scott Sprenger—American University of Rome
Eric Gans—UCLA
Hélène Collins—University of Washington
Corry Cropper—Brigham Young University
Anca Mitroi—Brigham Young University
Marie Orton—Brigham Young University
Daryl Lee—Brigham Young University
Yvon Le Bras—Brigham Young University
Christian Ahihou—University of Nevada
Maria Capusan—University of Cluj-Napoca (†)
Allan Pasco—University of Kansas (†)
Octavian Roske—University of Bucharest (†)
Lingua Romana is an annual, open access, online, international academic journal whose primary focus is to publish peer-reviewed articles on literary, cultural or linguistic issues pertaining to French-, Italian- and/or Romanian-speaking communities. The journal also regularly publishes interviews with contemporary authors, creators and researchers, alongside reviews of media (books, films, albums, etc.) and topics on public humanities pertinent to its purview. The journal is owned, managed and funded by the Department of French and Italian of Brigham Young University.
Copyright Policy
The author assigns to Lingua Romana the right to publish and distribute his/her manuscript and to create a derivative work from said manuscript. The assignment shall be effective so long as Lingua Romana is available on computer networks. The author shall remain the sole owner of his/her manuscript and the copyright in that manuscript. The author may publish the manuscript in any other journal or medium but such publication must include notice that the manuscript was first published by Lingua Romana. Lingua Romana subscribers may copy or download the paper from the network. Any distribution or publication of said paper by subscribers shall constitute an infringement of the Author’s copyright. The author agrees to hold Lingua Romana harmless for any unauthorized use of the paper by its subscribers. Lingua Romana subscribers may copy or download this text from the network, but its distribution or publication shall constitute an infringement of the author’s copyright.