
Submissions should be sent as
Microsoft Word attachments via email to

Acceptable Topics: Articles on literary, cultural or linguistic issues pertaining to French-, Italian- and/or Romanian-speaking communities

Reviews: Academic reviews of 500–1000 words in length on books, films, television series or any other form of media from the past three years will be considered for publication; contract the journal editor directly.

Language of Publication: We accept articles in English, French, Italian or Romanian.

Length: Articles should ideally fall into the range of  4000–6000 words (15–25 double-spaced pages).

Style: MLA

Format: Electronic submissions in Microsoft Word

Documentation: Parenthetical documentation in the text should be supported by a bibliography of works cited.

Notes: Endnotes only – please keep the use of notes to a minimum.

Quotations: It is helpful although not necessary for articles and reviews in English to provide translations of foreign-language (especially Romanian) quotations.

Profiles: Please provide a brief statement about yourself (affiliation, degrees, publications).

Abstract: Please submit a 5–6 sentence summary of the content of your article.

Address: Please include an address (e.g., a university department) and an email address.

Keywords: Please supply a list of 10–12 keywords that you would like web searches to find in your article.

Peer Review: Articles submitted as part of a special topic are reviewed by the guest editor of that volume. They are peer-reviewed but not do not undergo a traditional anonymous evaluation. Articles submitted outside the special topic (usually included as “varia”) are subject to traditional peer review, that is, they are read and evaluated anonymously by experts in the field and accepted or rejected by the editor based on recommendations from this anonymous review process.