Vol. 13, Issue 1, Fall 2017

Special Edition: France and the Memory of the Great War
Guest Editor: Susan McCready


Susan McCready, University of South Alabama

Contemporary Remembrance: The Battle of Verdun in the Public Eye 1916
Clark Hultquist, University of Montevallo

Gratitude: A Different Kind of War Reparation
Nancy Sloan Goldberg, Middle Tennessee State University

War, Memory, and Politics: The Case of the French Clergy in the First World War
Anita Marie Rasi May, Independent Scholar

The First World War: A Turning Point in the History of Death?
Ian Germani, University of Regina

The Shirkers of Life: Suicide in the Trenches
Brigitte Mahuzier, Bryn Mawr College

From Mascot to Metaphor: Canine Combatants and the Performance of French Patriotism in the Great War
Lowry Martin, University of Texas at El Paso

La Grande Illusion, retour aux sources
Frédéric Levéziel, University of South Florida St. Petersburg

The 1938 Exposition internationale du surréalisme and Acte manqué: The Terror of Memory and the Terror to Come
Maria-Rosa Lehmann, Sorbonne-Panthéon Paris 1


Outreach/Public Humanities

Inaugural Issue: Dante and Public Humanities
(Three Articles by Daniel E. Christian)
Guest Editor: Ilona Klein

Introduction to Lingua Romana: Outreach/Public Humanities
Ilona Klein, Brigham Young University

Introduction: Why Dante?
Christopher Kleinhenz, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Dante’s Inferno: Big Ego, Small Self
Daniel E. Christian, Gilman School, Baltimore, Maryland

Dante’s Purgatorio: Awakening to Self-Becoming
Daniel E. Christian, Gilman School, Baltimore, Maryland

Dante’s Paradiso: The Vitality of Healing Love
Daniel E. Christian, Gilman School, Baltimore, Maryland



Review of Allan H. Pasco’s Balzac, Literary Sociologist
by Benjamin Fancy